Oct 29, 2020
Do you have a loved one who suffers from an eating disorder? What struggles does the family face in the wake of a mental illness? How can you as the caregiver cope with the stress post-recovery?
In this podcast episode, I speak with Nany Clarkson about what happens when your loved one has an eating disorder.
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Oct 22, 2020
Are you working through a difficult relationship with your body? How do you start to change the way you see yourself? Is there a way to find sisterhood and rid yourself of shame that is not for you to carry?
In this podcast episode, I speak about body love with Brenda Fredericks.
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Oct 15, 2020
Are you putting off admitting that you may need help? Do the opinions of others around you negatively impact your choices to seek medical advice? How can you overcome those thoughts that keep you doubting whether you are sick enough?
In this podcast episode, I speak about not being sick enough, thoughts that hold you...
Oct 15, 2020
Do you weigh yourself every day with your whole mindset being dependent on what the scale will say? How do you take back power from the scale? Are the numbers even worth the struggle?
In this podcast episode, I talk about numbers, how we perceive them, and vanity sizing.
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Oct 15, 2020
Do you struggle with getting back on your feet after having been stuck in a dieting whirlpool? Is there research that backs up leaving the diet-culture for good? What is mindful eating?
In this podcast episode, I speak about the fact that you can eat like you pee … yes, you can have your cake and eat it too.
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