Jun 24, 2021
Are you a family member or partner to someone with an eating disorder? What are some things you should avoid saying? What should you do instead?
In this podcast episode, I speak about what NOT to say to someone with an eating disorder.
Sign up for the FREE e-course to understanding your eating disorder and embarking on...
Jun 17, 2021
Have you heard of EFT before? Are you skeptical? Did you know that it has been scientifically proven and is being used in Western medicine to treat eating disorders, trauma, and chronic stress?
In this podcast episode, I speak with certified EFT therapist, Melanie Yates about tapping, why it's beneficial, and why...
Jun 10, 2021
Are you trying to get your body healthy and happy but using the wrong information? Is there maybe something painful that you are holding onto? What happens when we take the leap into sincere connection and communication and let go of the secrecy?
In this podcast episode, I speak with Author and Certified Eating Disorder...
Jun 3, 2021
How does creating trust and honesty with your support system disempower the eating disorder? Why should you be careful of the numbers? Why should you start looking at working out as a form of celebrating what your body can do?
In this podcast episode, I speak with Alyssa about her own personal journey to recovery.