Oct 26, 2023
Do you take daily vitamins and supplements? Have you ever felt overwhelmed by all the choices and supply of vitamins, not knowing which ones you need to take? What can you do to unlock health that is tailored exactly to your body for a true sense of well-being?
In this podcast episode, I speak about how a breakthrough...
Oct 19, 2023
Which narrative are you using to make sense of the world around you? Do you find that the social media narratives you follow enforce negative mindsets around your relationships to food and exercise, or positive ones? How can you change them to improve your overall happiness and well-being?
In this podcast episode, I...
Oct 12, 2023
Is there a one-size-fits-all exercise amount? Do you feel stuck in a box, afraid to change, and afraid to stay where you are? What is the best, healthiest investment that you can make in yourself for your body, mind, and overall well-being?
In this podcast episode, I speak about unlearning diet culture with Sarah King....
Oct 5, 2023
How can nature therapy help people who are in eating disorder recovery? Do you love the ocean, water, and nature? How can the natural world help you regain self-love and self-compassion through activities like surfing and kayaking?
In this podcast episode, I speak about surfing into recovery with Sandi James. We reflect...